Prof. Dario BOOTE
Code = EMSHIP S3-3 (Semester S3)
Workload: 60 h lecture
Number of credits: 5
The objective is to provide the specific knowledge about motor yachts, completing the standard theories about merchant ships provided in the previous courses given by ANAST-ULiège. The course will take care of the following main aspects:
a)Hydrodynamics of motor yachts;
b)Materials and structure layout of motor yachts;
c)Rules and Regulations of motor yachts;
Resistance and propulsion: Fast displacement hull forms (NPL, SSPA etc.), Planning hull forms: concepts and methods for power estimation (Savitsky theory), Rudder design for fast vessels, Propellers for fast craft: non-cavitating, cavitating and surface piercing propellers, Arneson and LDU propulsive systems.
b) Materials and structure lay out
Materials: Woods for ship construction and construction methods, Aluminum light alloys for ship construction, Composite materials characteristics, Sandwich materials, Methods of ship construction by composite materials.
Structure lay out: Structure typology for wood, aluminum and composite hull, Construction and yard facilities technologies methods
Classification Societies Rules for motor yachts, MCA, Rules on maneuverability, Bulkheads subdivision, Motor Yacht’s structure scantling main aspects.
Recommended reading
P.Du Cane:”High-Speed Small Craft”, David & Charles, Bath, 1974
C.S.Smith, “Design of Marine Structures in Composite Materials”, Elsevier Applied Science, New York, 1990.
RINA, “Rules for the Classification of Yachts”, Genova, 2007.
RINA, “Rules for the Classification of Charter Yachts”, Genova, 2007.
The course is based on the knowledge of the basis courses “Ship Theory” and “Ship Structures and Ship Production”. The contents of “Ship Project & Ship Design” and “Design of High Speed Vessels” are necessary as well.
Form of exam:
Written exam (2h) + oral interview