Prof. Maciej Tacza?a
Code = EMSHIP S4-7 (Semester S4)
Workload: 30h lectures, 45 h exercises
Number of credits: 5
The objective is to give relevant knowledge and capability to use advanced methods and procedures for assessment of ship hull ultimate strength including static strength, fatigue and fracture, as well as assessment ship hull reliability.
Ultimate capacity:
- Nonlinear finite element analysis: Review of theory and applications to ship structures
- FEA guidelines for ship modelling – current practices (selection of elements, coarse mesh to fine mesh, zooming method) – linear and non linear analysis – static and dynamic analysis;
- Strength of ship structures subject to impact loads.
Fatigue and fracture:
- Fundamentals of the fracture mechanics.
- Mechanisms of fatigue failure.
- Methods of fatigue analysis: nominal stress approach, hotspot stress approach, notch stress approach.
- Long-term stress distributions.
- Application to ship structures
Structural reliability and risk assessment:
- Uncertainties, limit state, failure modes.
- First and second order reliability methods.
- Safety indices.
- Uncertainties in ship structural design.
- Integration of reliability concepts (loads and strength) in calculation of ship structures (rule based approaches and direct calculations).
Recommended reading :
- Hughes, O.,F., Ship Structural Design, The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, Jersey City, New Jersey, 1988.
- Bathe, K.-J., Finite element procedures, Prentice Hall, 1996.
- Belytschko, T., Liu, W.K., Moran., B., Nonlinear finite elements for continua and structures, John Wiley & Sons, 2000.
- Haldar, A., Mahadevan, S., Reliability Assessment using Stochastic Finite Element Analysis, John Wiley & Sons, 2000.
- Paik, J.-K., Thayamballi, A.,K., Ultimate Limit State Design of Steel-Plated Structures, John Wiley & Sons, 2003.
- Bai, Y., Marine Structural Design, Elsevier, 2003.
- Paik, J.-K., Thayamballi, A.,K., Ship-Shaped Offshore Installations, Cambridge University Press, 2007.
Form of exams:,
Written exam (2 hours), oral (0.5 hour),