When does the EMSHIP program start?
In the middle of September each academic year.
How long does the EMSHIP program takes?
The “EMSHIP” program is organized in 3 semesters, during 18 months. It begins in the Middle of September.
Do I receive any degree from The European Commission?
Actually, EMSHIP leads to a Double Master degree in Offshore Structures and Marine Engineering and Ship Design from ULiège-Liege, Belgium and ECN-Nantes, France) and a supplement diploma from Germany (Rostock), Italy (Genoa), Poland (Szczecin) or Romania (Galati) and ICAM(Nantes).
What is the mobility plan of EMSHIP?
FIRST SEMESTER (starts 15th September to end of January, in ULiège,Liège, Belgium).
SECOND SEMESTER (February to June, in ECN Nantes, France).
THIRD SEMESTER - July to February (8 months),UGAL in Romania, UNIGE in Italy, URO in Germany, ZUT inPoland and ICAM in France. EMSHIP students will be assigned equally to the 5 countries.
There is a special rule for students who have obtained their last degree in Belgium or France, they cannot spend their 3rd mobility at ICAM (France) in order to respect the Erasmus Mundus scholarship rule.
What are the courses offered by EMSHIP partners?
Semester 1: Liege, Belgium: University of Liege (ANAST – ULiège) Ship Theory, Ship Design, Ship-offshore Technology and Ship-offshore Structures
Semester 2: Nantes, France. Ecole Centrale de Nantes (ECN) - Ship-offshore Hydrodynamics and Initiation to Research Activities.
Semester 3: Five locations are available:
The study programme includes advanced lectures, a Master thesis and an internship.
- Galati (UGAL, Romania) Maneuverability and Propulsion.
- Genoa (UNIGE, Italy) - Sailing Yacht and Pleasure Motor Yacht.
- Rostock (URO, Germany)Information Technology in Ship Design and Production, Sea Loads on Offshore Structures, Advanced Analysis of Marine Structures.
- Szczecin (ZUT, Poland) - Advanced Ship Structures.
- Nantes (ICAM, France) - Composites structures for naval and wind turbines application. (New associated partner which contributesin organizing the 3rd semester).
In addition, regular visits and Seminars and lab works are organized during each semester for EMSHIP students.
For more information of course content, you can visit www.emship.eu / course description.
What are the job prospects for EMSHIP graduated students?
On completion of the program and obtained the degree, there are different opportunities and location to find a job such as:
- Marine & equipment industry and their R&D institutes (Aveva, Becker-IBMV, CMT, Flume, Friendship S., Genfer Design, HSVA, Marin-Teknikk, , VDMA,..);
- Shipyards (B+V, Aberking& Rasmussen, Benetti, Intermarine, Perini-Navy, Baglietto, Damen, StoczniaGdańsk,SDG, Crist…)
- Class societies (BV, DnV-GL, LR, Rina)
- Ship owners (Exmar...)
- Offshore Related companies:Hochtief,Deme,Saipem,J. De Nul.
The aforementioned companies are currently our Strategic Advisory Board. For more information, you can visit the Alumni Careers
How many EMSHIP students did find a job after graduation?
Most of our students they found a job after they are graduated. They got job offers by our Strategic Advisory Boards which are consisting of several major ship and offshore companies in Europe.
For more information visit alumni on Alumni Careers.
What is the role of the “Strategic Advisory Board” in the EMSHIP program?
The EMSHIP consortium places a high value on the industry partners and considers them as an essential component for enhancing EMSHIP, Advance Master Program. Each year, they offer several internship/master thesesfor EMSHIP students. For more information concerning to Industrial partners and their web site visit www.emship.eu / industrial partners.
What is the role of Associate partners in EMSHIP program?
The associated members are involved in the EMSHIP program by promotion and awareness rising of the consortium/partnership activities; identification of scholarship candidates; quality assurance aspects; sponsoring of specific activities; student hosting for study, research of professional and visiting professors.
EMSHIP associate partners are:
ICAM - School of mechanical and manufacturing engineering (FRANCE).
- University of Pusan (PNU, Korea).
University of Sciences and Technology of Oran Mohamed Boudiaf (USTO-MB, Algeria).
WEGEMT - European Association of Universities in Marine Technology and Related Sciences (UK).
Who are the visiting professors?
The EMSHIP Consortium is hosting outstanding associate partner’s scholars who are interested in contributing to the study programme and strengthening academic partnerships with the EMSHIP Consortium. Selected academics are hosted for a period of up to three months in one of the Consortium’s institutions. During this period they conduct a conference, lecture and develop elements of the EMSHIP courses for students in any of the partner institutes.
Do I need to buy books, software for EMship programm ?
NO; you do not have to buy anything now. The first issue is to refresh your knowledge about the concerned topics: strength of material and ship structures, and Hydrodynamics.
- Bending moment
- Torsion, shear force
- Buckling theory of column and of plate
Finite Element is important if you never use it: like some basic knowledge about ANSYS. Be familiar with classification societies rules (as BV or BnV, ...), for steel ships above 100m (common rules are OK).
As soon as you register as EMSHIP student (at least paid the tuition fee), you can connect to EMSHIP virtual campus (called LMS), where you have an access to more Emship materials.